(the Freedom Tower in downtown Miami / credits to Laritmo.com)
1. Where’s Scott?
Scott Beyer spent his second week in the Oklahoma City area, finding a place in the relatively wealthy northern college suburb of Edmond, OK. This week he wrote for Governing about New Orleans‘ music noise issue, and profiled a man in Forbes who escaped Cuba by raft for Miami.
There are over 1.1 million Cuban immigrants in the United States, and even more than other immigrant groups, they have clustered, with over two-thirds living in greater Miami. What unites this group is not dislike of their home country, but the need to leave the Castro brothers’ Communist regime.
2. At the Market Urbanism Facebook Group:
Nolan Gray found another great Daniel Hertz article: Great neighborhoods don’t have to be illegal—they’re not elsewhere
John Morris shared Donald Shoup‘s contribution to a Washington Post series on cities becoming less car-dependent (h/t Nolan Gray)
John Morris also found a post at Medium calling for repeal of segregationist zoning policies
Jeff Fong shared a short podcast interview with Alain Betaud
Sandy Ikeda shared Bill Easterly‘s research on the largely unplanned emergence over 400 years of single block in Soho
Mark Frasier congratulates Zach Caceras‘ work seeding local reforms at Startup Cities
Adam Lang‘s ongoing frustration with urban renewal in his Philadelphia neighborhood which we previously covered
3. Elsewhere:
New Geography reposted Nolan Gray’s recent article on Jane Jacob’s Hayekian approach
William Fischel will be speaking Tuesday at NYU about his new paper: The Rise of the Homevoters: How OPEC and Earth Day Created Growth-Control Zoning that Derailed the Growth Machine
Chris Hagan‘s WBEZ radio piece about population loss in Chicago‘s North Center neighborhood due to restrictive zoning
Nick Zaiac wrote Maryland Is an Over-Regulated Disaster: Here’s How to Fix It and published a report at The Maryland Public Policy Institute
Commutes in the U.S. are getting longer, reports the Washington Post’s Wonkblog.
4. Stephen Smith‘s Tweet of the Week:
SROs provided that without subsidy, without even tax abatements, until we banned their creation. https://t.co/iPM4iuy27y
— Market Urbanism (@MarketUrbanism) February 29, 2016